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Stories, Games and Articles for EL, Issue -- Experiential Learning 10
October 13, 2009

Experiential Learning 10 - Quote Game

Thank you all for subscribing to 'Stories for EL ...'. I usually begin the newsletter with a game. But this time I felt the need to honor you all for subscribing to EL.

Here's the link to the Consensus Manual. This manual has been the basis of producing many 'star facilitators' not to mention trainers. Use this extensively to become one yourself. These skills are useful whether you work with groups or individuals.

You can download it and use it as long as you credit it to Bob Chadwick the creator of the consensus process.

The Consensus Process is based on the premise that people - whether they know each other or not - are essentially in conflict with each other, because they come with different mindsets and perspectives. However, instead of the diversity becoming a handicap for the trainer/facilitator, the consensus process turns it into an advantage.

The consensus process brings people with conflicting viewpoints to a position where they agree to disagree inspite of ideological differences. From this point of agreement, they are able to generate exponentially valuable solutions and commit to make these solutions work.

Use this manual extensively and you can ask me questions about it at this e-mail id. I would also like to hear your comments about my website and/or about this e-zine. You can tell me about it using the form at the bottom of this Page.


In this edition of 'Stories for EL...' I would like to share with you an activity that can be used when you are helping a group of leaders to understand the significance of having and articulating a set of corebeliefs.

Corebeliefs are like mental compasses that steer your thoughts and actions in a certain direction. When left unarticulated they can steer you to a place where either you are confused about how you got there, or your followers are confused (when they begin to think about it) about how they got to a place which does not match the leader's claimed beliefs.

When the leader's actions do not match his/her words, then the words are just rhetoric and are recognised as such by both followers and peers. Unless the leader articulates his/her corebeliefs to himself or herself, she/he will fall into the trap of inauthenticity and lose his/her integrity sooner or later.

This activity will build awareness among participants about how this has been a problem with world leaders and not just the ones that the common man runs into.

For this activity print a few quotes of famous people on large chart size sheets of paper along with the name of the personality who said it. Conceal the name of the personality on each chart. Hang these charts around the room.

Ask participants (a different participant for every quote) to read out the quote. Give the group a couple of minutes to guess the name of the personality who said it. Once the guess is made, move on to the next quote - do not reveal the name of the personality just yet. Keep the most shocking one to the last.

Once all the quotes have been read, begin to reveal the names of the authors; begin with the most shocking one first. The whole exercise is followed by a debrief of the most shocking quote and the reason for the shock.

The conclusions drawn are that leaders are bound to make statements with moral, philosophical overtones. The statements will sooner or later be matched with the actions of the leader. The match will determine the longevity and the extent of the leader's influence.

Any one who wants to exercise significant influence on the people who follow him/her will want to ensure that this influence is not compromised by rhetoric. Hence the need for articulation of corebeliefs and the evaluation of action against them for good leaders.

Now you are probably wondering where you will get these quotes. Never fear, Experiential Learning Games is here!. Check out this page for at least 10 such quotes. You can use these for the activity described above.

I want to warn you, the quotes in the above link have been posed as a test. Take it and have fun playing the same game with yourself. All the best!


You'll find more games and activities - all of them brand new in my e-book "New Training Games". If you purchase the e-book, you'll also get a bonus e-book on creativity techniques. You can use these to create games of your own.

To order your e-book and get the bonus go here. It will cost you just $7. Buy it and add the games to your training repertoire. Get a free e-book on Creativity too.

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You can also order your leadership profile for just $5 at:on this page.

Thank you

Thank you all for the enthusiastic response to the last issue. I hope you like this issue as much as I liked writing it.
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