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Stories, Games and Articles for EL, Issue -- Experiential Learning4 August 11, 2009 |
Hello!Experiential Learning4 - A Time Management GameDo you want a chance to win a $100? You can have it if you enter a Game Writing Contest. The contest is described on.... Game Writing ContestExperiential Learning4 - A Time Management GameA demonstration of time management principle - Prioritize, organise, perform (POP). Use this at the beginning of the sessionMaterial Required: A glass tumbler, two or three medium sized stones, handful of pebbles, handful of sand, water, a few twigs, and some leaves. Ask the participants, how they would fill the glass tumbler with these other items. Usually they will suggest you put the smaller particles first and then end up with the stones. Do what they tell you. This way the tumbler will not have space for the stones, but the other particles will fit in. The task is unaccomplished. By this time the participants will themselves tell you that the process should be reversed. Again do what they tell you. This time around they will begin from the big sized items and end with water. All the items they find will have space in the glass tumbler Lessons for time management: Accomplish the big tasks (stones) first. Then there is adequate space for smaller and smaller tasks, as well as for delicate tasks like family, relationships etc. Examples of big tasks - Vision, mission, goals, planning, relationship building, taking care of oneself - spiritually, physically and mentally etc.
To order your e-book and get the bonus go here. It will cost you just $7. Buy it and add the games to your training repertoire. Get a free e-book on Creativity too. Don't want to buy the book? That's OK. You can still earn from it! You can earn $4.10 per sale by becoming an affiliate. GO HERE to become an affiliate. You can also order your leadership profile for just $5 at:on this page.
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