Core Beliefs -A Training Game To Understand The Compass For Leadership

Core beliefs are universal beliefs that are held deeply and determine the course of action that an individual takes in his/her life. For instance, if an individual closely holds the belief that every individual is able to excel, then she/he will expect the best from every individual and encourage each one to perform at their very best.

On this page you will find a training game which helps leaders to articulate and clarify the beliefs that they hold.

Rationale for this training game: While all of us have some core beliefs, it is the leader's beliefs and his or her ability to articulate them in action that will lead the team or the organisation to great heights. However, very few leaders - small or big - ever explore their beliefs, evaluate them for rightness, and articulate the right ones in words and actions.

The world is ridden with experiences of failure of a leader to examine and articulate his/her core beliefs. Everytime such a leader has been the cause of mass destruction, terror etc. They have compromised nations/groups of nations by their actions.

More often than not these leaders are too busy protecting their own interests and expanding their circle of influence, not realising that the evaluation and articulation of their core beliefs, would naturally expand their circle of influence.

Evaluated and articulated in words, actions and systems closely held beliefs have become the compass that has steered several leaders to greatness. The greatness of these leaders has transferred either to the nations, organisations or teams that were lead by them. Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela are a few examples.

Training Game - The Test: This test is called the 'Quotes of Famous People'. In this training game you have to guess from the rhetoric quoted the identity of the famous individual who has made these statements. The answers to this training game can be checked against the key on the 'Thank You' page that will appear after you have submitted the test - a training game.

Having submitted the test - a training game, examine your own closely held beliefs and check your actions against them. How many of your actions are an articulation/manifestation of your beliefs and how many of them make your beliefs seem like mere rhetoric - just like the words of some of the personalities from the 'qoutes test'.

Quotes of Famous People - Who said it?

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Training Games to understand how corebeliefs are the compass for leadership

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