Training Design For A LeadershipTraining
by Bina
(New Delhi)
I and a colleague have to conduct a Leadership Training for a group of teenagers who are members of a School Student Union.
It has to be an interactive training, meaning it should be experience based and build sensitivity to issues like gender, age, authority, difference in ability etc.. They should also be able to draw up a tentative annual plan for the activities of the Student Union.
These students have to present their learnings and their plan from this training to the Parent Body of the School, so it should also have a session on presentation.
It would have been nice to know the number of participants and the number of days you have at your disposal to conduct this training. As we do not have this information, we are suggesting a training for two-and-a-half days. We are also presuming a group of 30 students.
Day 1
- Begin the training with a Questionnaire to assess pre-training leadership skills. You'll find one such tool here Distribute this to all the participants and ask them to fill it up. You can download the teenage version here.
- Give an overview of the training
- Introductions/Grounding*
- Ice breaker/Greeting Circle*
- Understanding Traditional Leadership
- Transition to Facilitative Leaders
- Quotes of Facilitative Leaders
- Theory X and Theory Y
- Covey's Principle-Centered-Leadership
- Debrief of Leadership questionnaire distributed in the beginning
- Game to demonstrate facilitative leadership from this page. Modify the instructions to the group. Tell them that each of them will use the facilitative leadership style that they have just learnt to build a tall, strong straw structure. Debrief of the game should lead to solidifying the characteristics of facilitative leadership.
Day 2
- Recap of the previous day's training
- Values for life like: Accountability,Forgiveness, Honesty, etc. Choose a couple more
- Exhibit each value through a role play
- Tool for Leadership: Communication
- Sensitivity to social issues (participants have to be put into small groups and asked to present the current situation in the form of a tableau) in the areas of gender, age, authority and differently abled
- How can these issues be addressed among students? - Small group Flip-chart activity by students
- Input on Presentation Skills - WIIFM, ABCs of presentation, verbal and non-verbal messages, technology
- A film on environmental conservation + debrief on learnings from it
Day 3
- Recap of the previous day
- Management Cycle**
- Planning in small groups for the different activities of the student union using the management cycle framework
- Preparing presentation for parent body
- Mock presentation to facilitators
- Feedback and Reworking presentations
- Closing comments
* For details download the
Consensus Manual here.** The Management Cycle framework has the following stages:
Planning - Goals; Indicators of success; Policy formation;
Organising - Task Analysis; Accountability Patterns; Resources;
Execution - Communication, Motivation, Team, Leadership
Monitoring - Checking, Adjusting,
Evaluation - Matching against indicators of success; evaluating process from planning to monitoring